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Financial, Technical, Legislative, Informational, and Socio-Ecological Perspectives

Our comprehensive study, which was conducted in June-July 2023, had the aim to assess the potential of creating energy communities in Ukraine, considering financial, technical, legislative, informational and socio-ecological aspects. The research included five focus groups involving experts of various levels: from local activists to representatives of the national public organizations and the media.

The main conclusions of the study emphasize the importance of the development of energy communities in the context of strengthening Ukraine's energy independence, especially in wartime conditions. The main prerequisites for the creation of such communities were identified, among which significant economic benefits, increased energy security and reduced CO2 emissions are highlighted.

At the same time, the study points to a number of barriers that hold back the development of energy communities, including lack of financial resources, low community awareness of the benefits of such the initiatives, and difficulties with the regulatory norms. A number of recommendations were made to encourage the community development, including raising of informativeness and support from the state.

The full text of the study is available for download on our website.